Bij het typen van de zoektermen krijg je suggesties. Om deze te bekijken, gebruik je de pijltjestoetsen omhoog en omlaag. Met enter maak je een keuze. Als de selectie een zin is, wordt die zin als zoekopdracht gebruikt. Als de suggestie een link is, wordt de pagina geopend in de browser.

Hulp bij een reservering

If you need to cancel a reservation, update a reservation, or understand how payments work, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll help you navigate any cancellations or alterations, and explain what happens when changes are made.

Changing or canceling plans

Plans change, and that’s OK. You’ll first need to make sure you’re logged in to your Airbnb account. Then head to Trips and select the reservation (for a stay or Experience) you need to modify. You’ll find links to change or cancel—follow the steps and you’ll be guided through the process. If you have an emergency or unavoidable circumstance, check our Extenuating Circumstances Policy for all the details.

Finding your reservation info
How to find reservation details for upcoming, past, or canceled reservations.

Canceling your reservation for a stay
Get basic cancellation info and an easy-to-follow link to change or cancel a trip.

Changing your reservation for a stay
How to submit a change request to your Host.

Cancel or reschedule an Airbnb Experience
Get the details of our cancellation policy for Experiences.

Canceling a trip due to extenuating circumstances
Read a summary of what to do if you need to cancel because of an emergency.

Paying on Airbnb

You’re ready to book, but need to pay. The good news is we support different payment methods—it just depends on the country your payment account is located in. In addition to major credit and debit cards, certain payment options (like Google Pay or Apple Pay) are available in specific countries. You’ll be able to tell which payment methods are accepted on the checkout page before booking. In most cases, your payment method will be charged as soon as your reservation is confirmed.

If you do need to cancel, any refund will be based on the Host’s cancellation policy, so be sure to check the details before you book to make sure it works for you.

Payment methods available
Find a summary of all the payment methods and where they’re accepted.

When you’ll pay for a reservation
Get more details about payment plans, long-term reservations, and scheduled payments.

Refunds for cancellations
How refunds work for cancellations, including which fees are refundable.

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