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Toegang tot inkomstengegevens

Hosts who use professional hosting tools can access performance data for their earnings and income in Insights, under Earnings.

Reviewing performance data

You can review your performance data across specific periods in the occupancy and rates section, as well as compare them to similar listings in the area. Learn more about tracking performance using filters and comparisons.


Average nightly revenue: This is the average amount of money you’ve received from a booking, including fees you charge, before our service fee, taxes, or any other fees are deducted.

Total nightly revenue: This is the total amount of money you’ve received from a booking, including fees you charge, before our service fee, taxes, or any other fees are deducted.

Cancellation fees: These are the fees you get when guests cancel reservations.


You can check your earnings for the year or by month, split into Completed Payouts and Upcoming Payouts.

Note: Don't have a Performance tab? That means you need to opt in to professional hosting tools.

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